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  • Leta 2025 bo Apple odpravil vso plastiko v embalaži.

    Leta 2025 bo Apple odpravil vso plastiko v embalaži.

    29. junija, na vrhu svetovnih voditeljev ESG, je Ge Yue, poslovodni direktor podjetja Apple Greater China, govoril, da je Apple dosegel nevtralnost ogljika v lastnih poslovnih emisijah in obljubil, da bo v celotnem življenjskem ciklu izdelka dosegel nevtralnost ogljika 2030. Ge Yue also said that Apple has set the goal of eliminating all plastic packaging by 2025. In iPhone 13, no plastic packaging parts are used anymore. Poleg tega je zaščitni zaslon v embalaži narejen tudi iz recikliranih vlaken. Apple je upošteval poslanstvo varstva okolja in z leti prevzel pobudo za prevzemanje družbene odgovornosti. Since 2020, chargers and earphones have been officially cancelled, mainly involving all iPhone series officially sold by apple, reducing the problem ...
  • Tedenski družbeni inventar se je nekoliko nabral. According to market news, petkim is located in Turkey, with 157000 T / a PVC plant parking

    Tedenski družbeni inventar se je nekoliko nabral. According to market news, petkim is located in Turkey, with 157000 T / a PVC plant parking

    Glavna pogodba PVC je včeraj padla. The opening price of v09 contract was 7200, the closing price was 6996, the highest price was 7217, and the lowest price was 6932, down 3.64%. The position was 586100 hands, and the position was increased by 25100 hands. The basis is maintained, and the basis quotation of East China type 5 PVC is v09+ 80~140. V središču citata na mestu se je pomaknil navzdol, pri čemer je metoda karbida padla za 180-200 juanov / tona, metoda etilena pa padla za 0-50 juana / tona. At present, the transaction price of the mainstream one port in East China is 7120 yuan / ton. Yesterday, the overall transaction market was normal and weak, with traders' transactions 19.56% lower than the daily average volume and 6.45% weaker month on month. Tedenski družbeni inventar se je povečal ...
  • Maoming Petrochemical Company Fire, PP/PE ENOT ENOT!

    Maoming Petrochemical Company Fire, PP/PE ENOT ENOT!

    At about 12:45 on June 8, a spherical tank pump of Maoming Petrochemical and chemical division leaked, causing the intermediate tank of aromatics unit of ethylene cracking unit to catch fire. The leaders of Maoming municipal government, emergency, fire protection and high tech Zone departments and Maoming Petrochemical Company have arrived at the scene for disposal. Trenutno je požar pod nadzorom. It is understood that the fault involves 2# cracking unit. At present, 250000 T / a 2# LDPE unit has been shut down, and the start-up time is to be determined. Polyethylene grades: 2426h, 2426k, 2520d, etc. Temporary shutdown of 2# polypropylene unit of 300000 tons / year and 3# polypropylene unit of 200000 tons / year. Polypropylene related brands: ht9025nx, f4908, K8003, k7227, ...
  • EU: Obvezna uporaba recikliranih materialov, reciklirani PP narašča!

    EU: Obvezna uporaba recikliranih materialov, reciklirani PP narašča!

    According to icis It is observed that market participants often lack sufficient collection and sorting capacity to meet their ambitious sustainable development goals, which is particularly prominent in the packaging industry, which is also the biggest bottleneck faced by polymer recycling. At present, the sources of raw materials and waste packages of three major recycled polymers, recycled PET (RPET), recycled polyethylene (R-PE) and recycled polypropylene (r-pp), are limited to a certain extent. In addition to energy and transportation costs, the shortage and high price of waste packages have driven the value of renewable polyolefins to a record high in Europe, resulting in an increasingly serious disconnect between the prices of new polyolefin materials and renewable polyolefins, whi.. .
  • In chaogewenduer Town, wulatehou banner, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia, aiming at the problems of serious wind erosion of the exposed wound surface of the degraded grassland, barren soil and slow plant recovery, researchers have developed a rapid recovery technology of degraded vegetation induced by Mikrobna organska mešanica. This technology uses nitrogen fixing bacteria, cellulose decomposing microorganisms and straw fermentation to produce organic mixture, Spraying the mixture in the vegetation restoration area to induce the formation of soil crust can make the sand fixing plant species of the exposed wound of the degraded grassland settle down , da bi spoznali hitro popravilo degradiranega ekosistema. Ta nova tehnologija izhaja iz nacionalnih ključnih raziskav in razvoja ...
  • Izvedeno decembra! Canada issues the strongest “plastic ban” regulation!

    Izvedeno decembra! Canada issues the strongest “plastic ban” regulation!

    Steven Guilbeault, the Federal Minister of environment and climate change, and Jean Yves Duclos, the Minister of health, jointly announced that the plastics targeted by the plastic ban include shopping bags, tableware, catering containers, ring portable packaging, mixing rods and most straws . Kanada je od konca leta 2022 uradno prepovedala uvoz ali izdelavo plastičnih vrečk in škatel; Od konca leta 2023 ti plastični izdelki ne bodo več prodani na Kitajskem; Do konca leta 2025 ne samo, da ga ne bodo izdelali ali uvozili, ampak vsi ti plastični izdelki v Kanadi ne bodo izvoženi v druge kraje! Canada's goal is to achieve “Zero plastic entering landfills, beaches, rivers, wetlands and forests” by 2030, so that plastic can disappear from ...
  • In 2021, the production capacity will increase by 20.9% to 28.36 million tons / year; The output increased by 16.3% year-on-year to 23.287 million tons; Due to the large number of new units put into operation, the unit operating rate decreased by 3.2% to 82.1%; The supply gap decreased by 23% year-on-year to 14.08 million tons. Ocenjujejo, da se bo leta 2022 proizvodna zmogljivost na Kitajskem povečala za 4,05 milijona ton na leto na 32,41 milijona ton / leto, kar je 14,3%. Limited by the impact of plastic order, the growth rate of domestic PE demand will decline. V naslednjih nekaj letih bo še vedno veliko novih predlaganih projektov, ki se soočajo s pritiskom strukturnega presežka. Leta 2021 se bo proizvodna zmogljivost povečala za 11,6% na 32,16 milijona ton na leto; T...
  • Skupina Chemdo je veselo večerjala skupaj!

    Skupina Chemdo je veselo večerjala skupaj!

    Sinoči je vse osebje Chemda večerjalo skupaj zunaj. Med dejavnostjo smo se igrali igro ugibanja s kartami »Več kot lahko rečem«. Ta igra se imenuje tudi »Izziv, da nečesa ne narediš«. Kot pove izraz, ne morete narediti navodil, ki so zahtevana na kartici, sicer boste izpadli. Pravila igre niso zapletena, a novi svet boste našli, ko boste prišli do dna igre, kar je odlična preizkušnja modrosti in hitre reakcije igralcev. Napeti moramo svoje možgane, da bi druge usmerjali k čim bolj naravnim navodilom, in vedno paziti, ali so pasti in konice drugih usmerjene proti nam samim. Poskusimo približno uganiti vsebino kartice na naši glavi v procesu kon...
  • Kitajski obseg izvoza PP je v prvem četrtletju močno padel!

    Kitajski obseg izvoza PP je v prvem četrtletju močno padel!

    According to the data of the State Customs, the total export volume of polypropylene in China in the first quarter of 2022 was 268700 tons, a decrease of about 10.30% compared with the fourth quarter of last year, and a decrease of about 21.62% compared with the first quarter of last year, a sharp decline compared with the same period of last year. In the first quarter, the total export volume reached US $407million, and the average export price was about US $1514.41/t, a month on month decrease of US $49.03/t. The main export price range remained between us $1000-1600 / T. In the first quarter of last year, the extreme cold and epidemic situation in the United States led to the tightening of polypropylene supply in the United States and Europe. V tujini je prišlo do vrzeli v povpraševanju, rezultat ...
  • Srečanje skupine Chemdo o "prometu"

    Srečanje skupine Chemdo o "prometu"

    Skupina Chemdo je konec junija 2022 organizirala kolektivni sestanek o »širitvi prometa«. Na sestanku je generalni direktor ekipi najprej pokazal smer »dveh glavnih linij«: prva je »Linija izdelkov«, druga pa »Vsebina«. Črta«. Prvi je v glavnem razdeljen na tri korake: oblikovanje, izdelava in prodaja izdelkov, medtem ko je drugi prav tako v glavnem razdeljen na tri korake: oblikovanje, ustvarjanje in objavljanje vsebin. Nato je generalni direktor predstavil nove strateške cilje podjetja na drugi »vsebinski vrstici« in napovedal uradno ustanovitev nove medijske skupine. Vodja skupine je vodil vsakega člana skupine, da je opravljal svoje dolžnosti, razmišljal o idejah in nenehno tekel in razpravljal z...
  • Pekim, turški petrokemijski velikan, je sporočil, da se je 19. junija 2022 zvečer v tovarni Aliaga pojavila eksplozija, kjer se nahaja v 50 kilometrih severno od Lzmirja. Po mnenju družbe se je nesreča zgodila v PVC reaktorju tovarnike, nihče ni bil poškodovan, požar pa je bil hitro nadzorovan, vendar je bila PVC naprava zaradi nesreče začasno brez povezave. Po mnenju lokalnih analitikov lahko dogodek močno vpliva na evropski trg PVC. Poroča se, da je cena PVC na Kitajskem precej nižja kot v Turčiji, po drugi strani pa je cena PVC v Evropi višja kot v Turčiji, večina Petimovih PVC izdelkov izvozi na evropski trg.
  • On June 28, the epidemic prevention and control policy slowed down, the pessimism about the market last week significantly improved, the commodity market generally rebounded, and the spot prices in all parts of the country improved. With the price rebound, the basis price advantage gradually decreased, and most of the transactions are immediate deals. Some transactions environment were better than yesterday, but it was difficult to sell cargoes at high prices, and the overall transaction performance was flat. In terms of fundamentals, the improvement on the demand side is weak. At present, the peak season has passed and there is a large area of rainfall, and the demand fulfillment is less than expected. Zlasti pod razumevanjem strani oskrbe je inventar še vedno frekvenca ...