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  • Cigarete preklopite na biorazgradljivo plastično embalažo v Indiji.

    Cigarete preklopite na biorazgradljivo plastično embalažo v Indiji.

    Indijska prepoved 19 plastike za enkratno uporabo je spodbudila spremembe v svoji cigaretni industriji. Pred 1. julijem so indijski proizvajalci cigaret spremenili prejšnjo konvencionalno plastično embalažo v biorazgradljivo plastično embalažo. The Tobacco Institute of India (TII) claims that their members have been converted and the biodegradable plastics used meet international standards, as well as the recently issued BIS standard. They also claim that the biodegradation of biodegradable plastics begins in contact with the soil and naturally biodegrades in composting without stressing solid waste collection and recycling systems.
  • Kratka analiza delovanja domačega trga kalcijevega karbida v prvi polovici leta.

    Kratka analiza delovanja domačega trga kalcijevega karbida v prvi polovici leta.

    In the first half of 2022, the domestic calcium carbide market did not continue the wide fluctuation trend in 2021. The overall market was near the cost line, and it was subject to fluctuations and adjustments due to the impact of raw materials, supply and demand, and downstream conditions. In the first half of the year, there was no new expansion capacity of domestic calcium carbide method PVC plants, and the increase in calcium carbide market demand was limited. Podjetja s klor-alkali je težko kupiti kalcijev karbide, da dolgo ohranijo stabilno obremenitev.
  • V PVC reaktorju petrokemijskega velikana na Bližnjem vzhodu se je pojavila eksplozija!

    V PVC reaktorju petrokemijskega velikana na Bližnjem vzhodu se je pojavila eksplozija!

    Turški petrokemijski velikan Petik je sporočil, da se je v obrat Aliaga zvečer 19. junija 2022 pojavila eksplozija. the accident occurred in the factory's PVC reactor, no one was injured, the fire was quickly under control, but the PVC unit may be temporarily offline due to the accident. Dogodek ima lahko večji vpliv na evropski trg PVC. It is reported that because the price of PVC in China is much lower than that of Turkey's domestic products, and the spot price of PVC in Europe is higher than that in Turkey, most of Petkim's PVC products are currently exported to the European market.
  • BASF razvija pladnje v pečici, prevlečene s PLA!

    BASF razvija pladnje v pečici, prevlečene s PLA!

    On June 30, 2022, BASF and Australian food packaging manufacturer Confoil have teamed up to develop a certified compostable, dual-function oven-friendly paper food tray – DualPakECO®. The inside of the paper tray is coated with BASF's ecovio® PS1606, a high-performance general-purpose bioplastic commercially produced by BASF. It is a renewable biodegradable plastic (70% content) blended with BASF's ecoflex products and PLA, and is specially used for the production of coatings for paper or cardboard food packaging. Imajo dobre pregradne lastnosti za maščobe, tekočine in vonjave in lahko prihranijo emisije toplogrednih plinov.
  • Nanašanje vlaken iz polilaktične kisline na šolskih uniformah.

    Nanašanje vlaken iz polilaktične kisline na šolskih uniformah.

    Fengyuan Bio-Fiber je sodeloval s Fujianom Xintongxing, da bi nanesela vlakna iz polilaktične kisline na tkanine v šoli. Njegova odlična absorpcija vlage in potenje je 8 -krat večja od običajnih poliestrskih vlaken. PLA fiber has significantly better antibacterial properties than any other fibers. The curling resilience of the fiber reaches 95%, which is significantly better than any other chemical fiber. In addition, the fabric made of polylactic acid fiber is skin-friendly and moisture-proof, warm and breathable, and it can also inhibit bacteria and mites, and be flame retardant and fireproof. Šolske uniforme iz te tkanine so okolju prijaznejše, varnejše in bolj udobne.
  • Letališče Nanning: Očistite nerazgradljivo

    Letališče Nanning: Očistite nerazgradljivo

    Nanning Airport issued the “Nanning Airport Plastic Ban and Restriction Management Regulations” to promote the implementation of plastic pollution control within the airport. At present, all non-degradable plastic products have been replaced with degradable alternatives in supermarkets, restaurants, passenger rest areas, parking lots and other areas in the terminal building, and domestic passenger flights have stopped providing disposable non-degradable plastic straws, stirring sticks , embalažne vrečke, uporabite razgradljive izdelke ali druge možnosti. Realize the comprehensive “clearing out” of non-degradable plastic products, and “please come in” for environmentally friendly alternatives .
  • Kaj je PP smola?

    Kaj je PP smola?

    Polipropilen (PP) je trd, tog in kristalni termoplastik. It is made from propene (or propylene) monomer. Ta linearna ogljikovodična smola je najlažji polimer med vsemi blagovnimi plastiki. PP prihaja bodisi kot homopolimer bodisi kot kopolimer in ga je mogoče močno povečati z dodatki. Polipropilen, znan tudi kot polipropen, je termoplastični polimer, ki se uporablja v najrazličnejših aplikacijah. It is produced via chain-growth polymerization from the monomer propylene.Polypropylene belongs to the group of polyolefins and is partially crystalline and non-polar. Njegove lastnosti so podobne polietilenu, vendar je nekoliko težje in bolj toplotno odporne. Je bel, mehansko robusten material in ima visoko kemično odpornost.
  • 1. Leta 2022 bo moja država postala največja država za rafiniranje nafte na svetu; 2. Osnovne petrokemične surovine so še vedno v obdobju največje proizvodnje; 3. Izboljšana je stopnja uporabe zmogljivosti nekaterih osnovnih kemičnih surovin; 4. blaginja industrije gnojil se je uprla; 5. sodobna kemična industrija premoga, ki je pritegnila razvojne priložnosti; 6. Poliolefin in polikarbon sta na vrhuncu širitve zmogljivosti; 7. Serious overcapacity of synthetic rubber; 8. Povečanje izvoza poliuretana moje države ohranja obratovalno stopnjo naprave na visoki ravni; 9. Tako ponudba kot povpraševanje litijevega železovega fosfata hitro raste.
  • Zaloga se je še naprej nabirala, PVC je utrpel široko paleto izgub.

    Zaloga se je še naprej nabirala, PVC je utrpel široko paleto izgub.

    Recently, the domestic ex-factory price of PVC has fallen sharply, the profit of integrated PVC is meager, and the profit of two tons of enterprises has been significantly reduced. Od 8. tedna 8. julija so domača podjetja prejela manj izvoznih naročil, nekatera podjetja pa niso imela transakcij in manj poizvedovanj. Tianjin Port's estimated FOB is US$900, the export income is US$6,670, and the cost of ex-factory transportation to Tianjin Port is about 6,680 US dollars. Domestic panic and rapid price changes. Da bi zmanjšali prodajni pritisk, naj bi bil izvoz še v teku, hitrost nakupa pa se je upočasnila v tujini.
  • Kitajski PVC Čisti izvoz praška v maju ostaja visok.

    Kitajski PVC Čisti izvoz praška v maju ostaja visok.

    According to the latest customs statistics, in May 2022, my country's PVC pure powder imports were 22,100 tons, an increase of 5.8% year-on-year; Maja 2022 je izvoz PVC čistega prahu v moji državi 266.000 ton, kar je 23,0% medletno. From January to May 2022, the cumulative domestic import of PVC pure powder was 120,300 tons, a decrease of 17.8% compared with the same period last year; the domestic cumulative export of PVC pure powder was 1.0189 million tons, an increase of 4.8% compared with the same period last year. S postopnim upadom domačega trga PVC z visoke ravni so kitajske kotacije za izvoz PVC relativno konkurenčne.
  • Analiza podatkov o uvozu in izvozu kitajske paste za paste od januarja do maja

    Analiza podatkov o uvozu in izvozu kitajske paste za paste od januarja do maja

    From January to May 2022, my country imported a total of 31,700 tons of paste resin, a decrease of 26.05% compared with the same period last year. Kitajska je od januarja do maja izvozila skupno 36.700 ton paste smole, kar je 58,91% v primerjavi z istim obdobjem lani. The analysis believes that the oversupply in the market has led to the continuous decline of the market, and the cost advantage in foreign trade has become prominent. Proizvajalci paste smole prav tako aktivno iščejo izvoz, da bi olajšali razmerje med ponudbo in povpraševanjem na domačem trgu. Mesečni obseg izvoza je v zadnjih letih dosegel vrhunec.
  • PLA porozni mikroneedi: hitro odkrivanje protiteles kovid-19 brez vzorcev krvi

    PLA porozni mikroneedi: hitro odkrivanje protiteles kovid-19 brez vzorcev krvi

    Japanese researchers have developed a new antibody based method for rapid and reliable detection of novel coronavirus without the need for blood samples. Rezultati raziskav so bili nedavno objavljeni v reviji Science Report. The ineffective identification of people infected with covid-19 has seriously limited the global response to COVID-19, which is exacerbated by the high asymptomatic infection rate (16% – 38%). Zaenkrat je glavna preskusna metoda zbrati vzorce z brisanjem nosu in grla. However, the application of this method is limited by its long detection time (4-6 hours), high cost and the requirements for professional equipment and medical personnel, especially in countries with limited resources. Po dokaza, da je intersticijska tekočina morda primerna za protitelesa ...