On July 1, along with the cheers at the end of the 100th anniversary celebration of the Communist Party of China, 100,000 colorful balloons rose into the air, forming a spectacular color curtain wall. These balloons were opened by 600 students from the Beijing Police Academy from 100 balloon cages at the same time. Baloni so napolnjeni s helijevim plinom in so narejeni iz 100% razgradljivih materialov. According to Kong Xianfei, the person in charge of the balloon release of the Square Activities Department, the first condition for a successful balloon release is the ball skin that meets the requirements. Balon, ki je bil končno izbran, je narejen iz čistega naravnega lateksa. Eksplodiral bo, ko se bo dvignil na določeno višino in se bo 100% razgradil, potem ko bo teden dni padel v tla, tako da ...